Original post on CalabriaEconomia > https://bit.ly/2HM4nur
The Seoul Food & Hotel fair has begun, in which, thanks to the Catanzaro Chamber of Commerce and its special company PromoCatanzaro, five companies from the province also participate.
These are Delizie di Calabria s.r.l., Dairy Fiore di Sant'Anna, Sapori Antichi, Dolcon s.r.l. and Muraca s.r.l.
The international event involves companies from 44 countries. There are 22 Italian companies, of which, as mentioned, 5 are from Catanzaro: a more than nourished representation, therefore, which makes the CCIAA stand the largest of the entire section by the ICE Agency.
The first day of the fair was also greeted by the visit of the Italian ambassador to South Korea, Federico Failla, and the general secretary of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in South Korea, Jacopo Giuman.
«This mission in South Korea is a great opportunity for our companies - said Daniele Rossi, president of the Catanzaro Chamber of Commerce, also present at the fair -. The eastern markets, despite the geographical distance from our latitudes, appreciate the flavors of our cuisine and our food products: this is why they certainly represent a sector of interest for Calabrian exports. Initiatives like this that the Chamber of Commerce has promoted, therefore, if properly exploited by companies, can prove to be decisive in the business growth of our economic realities. Having brought five companies is therefore a source of pride, but we do not want to stop there: already at the next opportunity, I would like this number to grow ».
Francesco Chirillo, president of PromoCatanzaro also took part in the Korean mission: "It was a long organizational work that took five Calabrian companies to South Korea, but the efforts made will certainly be rewarded by the attention that investors and customers will reserve for them. . We are also happy to have been able to set up a single area for all exhibitors, a kind of small square of the Catanzaro Chamber of Commerce through which to communicate that idea of ​​unity that can be the real added value for our production sector ».